Smart Mechanics Design & Manipulation

Professor, Robotics Laboratory
Smart Innovation Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Hiroshima University
Takeshi TAKAKI
>> Research Contents
As basic robotic technologies for rapid and flexible responses in the real world, we are studying sensor-based manipulation combined with high-speed vision and also robot mechanisms that have built-in intelligence in order to realize manipulation that differs from that of humans.

Load-sensitive CVT using an oblique feed screw

We have developed an oblique feed screw that can be used as a load-sensitive continuously variable transmission (CVT). This CVT consists of a screw, spring, and bearing, and it is remarkably simple and compact. Its reduction ratio changes automatically in response to the load, and its weights 13.8 g. We have experimentally verified that it can exert a large force of more than 100 N, that it can increase its reduction ratio from 20 to 45.

WMV movie (2.1 M)
No load
WMV movie (2.1 M)
4 kg load
WMV movie (2.1 M)
10 kg load